Monday 23 December 2013

{Summer Bucket List} Pick Strawberries.

Your words and comments from my last post were truly beautiful and heart felt. It was a hard post to publish, as vague as it was... thank you and BIG LOVE x


Simple as they are, they are little bulb of pure joy for my biggest love. His first ever try of strawberries was four years ago and it was of strawberry jam that came with my Devonshire tea when we went to the strawberry farm with some family and friends. 

It sent him Hyper... 

Like crazy...

'twas hilarious.

From then on each time he ate strawberries a similar reaction would happen so I had to 'time' when I was giving them to him so that he wasn't expected to go to sleep while in a strawberry induced happy place. know... the whole avoid setting him up for failure thing... yea sometimes I didn't get that bit right... 

Why not just avoid giving them you ask...

Well because HE LOVES THEM!!!

We were torn... Give him something he LOVES or avoid them because they make it hard to parent him for a couple of hours... 

The answer was simple


Four years on...

It's much the same... the the strawberry induced happy dances are not so 'big'. 

But the love for them... 

NOTHING has changed.

he can smell them out... honestly... he will open the fridge and say 'hey there are strawberries in here...'  if you try and sneak one he will sniff you like a bulldog and between long drawn breaths he's like *snnniiiiffff* you've eaten strawberries *sniiifffff*... creepy... HECK YES!

So the other day when he found out that we were going to the strawberry farm... 
he nearly lost his 4.5year old mind!

We went with a girlfriend and her two boys... because the more people to do a strawberry induced happy dance with the better... or we are crazy... either one...

Beautifully plump red strawberries... picked by beautifully plump 20month old hands...

So meticulous... he literally walked every aisle to pick the best and the juiciest strawberries...

"just the juicy ones Mumma"

Finn enjoyed watching the boys...

In his own kind of heaven...

They even managed to go on a bear hunt while they were there as well...

You can really see why he was meticulous such scrumptious-ness

It took us 45-60 minutes to fill two of the larger punnets...

A trip to the strawberry farm isn't complete without a stop at the cafe

BRING ON the strawberry induced happy dance.


Have you been to pick strawberries?
Its really something isn't it...?
What gives your child an induced happy dance?
Are you crazy like me too?
Want to read more about our summer bucket list?
Stay fabulous


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